Internet Marketing Strategies – The $3,000 Monthly Internet Marketing Sweet Spot

It’s kind of sad that I find so many people psyched out and quit Internet Marketing before they really have a chance to get started. In this article I want to address the reasons most people get frustrated and quit, and in so many cases they quit right before they start to earn life changing income online. The biggest mistake I see most people make is they try to climb over too many steps before they reach the top of the stadium and hit their shins or teeth on one of the steps first.The first Internet Marketing Strategy is to never try to beat out anyone else at their own game. Lets deal with reality here for a second. This is 2010 and many people are already very well respected and established in their respective niches already. And if you’re drawing battle lines with the best right off the bat you are just setting yourself up for failure before you begin.Try to think of things from the perspective of how you can set short term, attainable goals and reach them. The first thing you should try to do is get to $100 per month. Then try for $300 per month. Then $500, $1000, $1500, $2000 then eventually $100 per day which is $3000 per month. If you can reach $3,000 per month, you will be making more than most people retiring from 20 years in the military, and will put you in a financial safety zone.I can’t stress how important doing this is. Once you get to your $3000 sweet spot per month you’ll have more money to take more specialized training, finance larger internet projects and possibly meet more contacts along the way. I say meet more contacts because the way you should start if you are short on funds, which is why most of us start this business in the first place, is to pursue Affiliate Marketing and sell products for other people.Start Your Own BlogYou should start by building a blog. Then go to the Clickbank Marketplace and Pay Dot Com and find a product you want to sell. I’d recommend adding 1-2 new products per week and make blog posts promoting these. Then get backlinks to these Blog Posts so they will rank on the names of the programs. People are always searching for these products, so if you rank well on one of these you should be able to make one sale per month per product.Look for products with a high Clickbank Gravity and in general promote the most popular programs you can find. These will be products you should promote since they are already popular which means people are searching for them. Keep using Article Marketing, Social Bookmarking and other linking methods to your blog until you rank on the front page.Don’t Be Afraid Of CompetitionDoing this will get you extra traffic. Then offer a bonus that’s different from what everyone else out there is offering. The next thing is do not be afraid of competition. All of the big money I’ve made on the Internet were in very competitive markets. In fact you should follow the heavy competition and consider that in your promotions. Me and my partner ran an autoresponder service for 3 years that made over $600,000 we launched back in 2003. Unfortunately it got blacklisted and we had to shut the site down. But my point is we definitely weren’t the first autoresponder service to launch.It’s Not Too Late in 2010The other mental block to get over is to stop thinking its too late to earn great income in 2010. Use Keyword Research Tools like Market Samurai which will tell you exactly what you can rank on and what you can’t. Don’t let people tell you what you can and can’t do. So many people listen to nay sayers. You will have to put in work but if you fight your battles one at a time and set realistic goals for yourself, you can earn $3000 per month or more eventually and not have to sell the farm to do it. You can find all the information to get started on the net for free. Or buy one or two courses from reputable people out there and get started. The key is taking massive action and not quitting no matter what.


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